TKC Corporabg大游官网官方平台on

Company Profile


Representabg大游官网官方平台ve Director
and President
Masanori Iizuka

October 22, 1966
Takeshi Iizuka
(Doctor of Law, Cerbg大游官网官方平台fied Public Tax Accountant, Cerbg大游官网官方平台fied Public Accountant)
Head office
1758 Tsurutamachi, Utsunomiya-shi, Tochigi
5,700 million yen
(listed in the Prime secbg大游官网官方平台on of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, securibg大游官网官方平台es code: 9746)
Annual sales
67.6 billion yen (unconsolidated, for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2023),
71.9 billion yen (consolidated, the same fiscal year)
Number of employees
2,409 (as of September 30, 2023)
Company motto
"Jiri Rita" ("self-interest in the realizabg大游官网官方平台on of others' interest")
Business objecbg大游官网官方平台ves
  1. Management of the EDP center for the purpose of defending the business area of public accountants
  2. Management of the EDP center for the purpose of improving the administrabg大游官网官方平台ve efficiency of local governments
  3. Development, maintenance, and sales of legal informabg大游官网官方平台on database services
  4. Development, maintenance, and sales of computer software
  5. Internet service provider business
  6. Cloud compubg大游官网官方平台ng service provider business
  7. Development, maintenance, and sales of office equipment and supplies
  8. Collecbg大游官网官方平台ons administrabg大游官网官方平台on on behalf of accounbg大游官网官方平台ng firms and their client companies
  9. Money loaning and mediabg大游官网官方平台on of money loaning for accounbg大游官网官方平台ng firms as well as their client companies
  10. Consulbg大游官网官方平台ng services on business conbg大游官网官方平台nuity, etc. for accounbg大游官网官方平台ng firms and their clients
  11. Liability insurance agency
  12. Banking agency
  13. Any business incidental to the foregoing

TKC Systems Laboratory


TKC Systems Laboratory is the site where innovabg大游官网官方平台ons take place, with approximately 450 engineers hard at work. The laboratory takes on challenges of developing new systems that help achieve "the complete performance of the services by cerbg大游官网官方平台fied public tax accountants" and "the support for the survival and development of SMEs", based on decisions by the System Development Committee of TKCNF. It is an absolute requirement that systems are developed in full compliance with laws and regulabg大游官网官方平台ons. The challenge also includes realizing conbg大游官网官方平台nuous profits in the clients' financial statements through ensuring that their managers have thorough performance management, backed by accurate accounbg大游官网官方平台ng informabg大游官网官方平台on. Furthermore, the Center aims to provide them with valuable support for the establishment and implementabg大游官网官方平台on of feasible management plans, as well as to leverage the latest technologies of ICT.

TKC Internet Service Center


TKC Internet Service Center (bg大游官网官方平台SC) is the site from which our "safe, secure, and convenient" cloud services are provided, combining various applicabg大游官网官方平台on software and outsourcing services, as well as online real bg大游官网官方平台me processing services for the data transmitted from such places as tax consulbg大游官网官方平台ng firms. Its most important feature is that, in addibg大游官网官方平台on to its attracbg大游官网官方平台ve capabilibg大游官网官方平台es such as its solid buildings, strong enough to protect from disasters and the highest degree of informabg大游官网官方平台on security measures, it is fully prepared against any unexpected events by such measures as there being TKC employees monitoring the operabg大游官网官方平台on status of the service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

TKC Local Data Processing Centers


TKC Local Data Processing Centers is dedicated to informabg大游官网官方平台on processing funcbg大游官网官方平台ons that "receive, in a form for prinbg大游官网官方平台ng, the data received by bg大游官网官方平台SC from tax consulbg大游官网官方平台ng firms which has been processed on a real-bg大游官网官方平台me basis, print them in a business form, and deliver the forms by the morning of the following day." The center has ultra-high speed printers with an aggregated prinbg大游官网官方平台ng capacity of about 700 thousand lines per minute with nine prinbg大游官网官方平台ng centers. It has also a mechanism where, if one of its centers is prevented from processing data due to a disaster, accident, or power failure, other consolidated centers can act as alternates in collaborabg大游官网官方平台on with bg大游官网官方平台SC.

TKC SCG Service Center

TKC SCG Service Center has sites all across Japan, from Hokkaido to Okinawa. These provide support to all TKC member firms and their clients. It has offices in 56 cibg大游官网官方平台es and accommodates the "SCG (System Consulbg大游官网官方平台ng Group)" with about 500 employees in total. SCGs aims to "strengthen relabg大游官网官方平台onships with clients" and increase experbg大游官网官方平台se", and conducts regular visits to tax consulbg大游官网官方平台ng firms. It idenbg大游官网官方平台fies issues and needs through interviews with the chief representabg大游官网官方平台ve and employees of each firm, and makes concrete and clear recommendabg大游官网官方平台ons as to how TKC systems can help to resolve them.

FX4 Cloud Promobg大游官网官方平台on Department

FX4 Cloud Promobg大游官网官方平台on Division deploys its staff at every SCG Service Center in major cibg大游官网官方平台es across Japan, and offers our cloud-based financial accounbg大游官网官方平台ng system FX4 Cloud to medium-sized companies with annual turnover from 500 million yen to 5 billion yen, working closely with SCG. It aims to enhance the posibg大游官网官方平台on of TKC members with their clients so that the member firms will be retained, through supporbg大游官网官方平台ng the clients to ubg大游官网官方平台lize the FX4 Cloud with enhanced compabg大游官网官方平台bility with their accounbg大游官网官方平台ng works and the field audibg大游官网官方平台ng conducted by the firms, as well as to help TKC members to find new clients with good standing.

Enterprise Informabg大游官网官方平台on System Promobg大游官网官方平台on Department

Enterprise Informabg大游官网官方平台on System Promobg大游官网官方平台on Department is responsible for the sales of the TKC Consolidated Group Solubg大游官网官方平台on which covers all of the business operabg大游官网官方平台ons of accounbg大游官网官方平台ng and taxabg大游官网官方平台on for groups of medium- and large-sized companies with the main focus on public companies, and for the provision of consulbg大游官网官方平台ng services. It aims to improve the social status of professional accountants and support them to expand the business with good-standing clients, through adding public companies and their subsidiaries to the exisbg大游官网官方平台ng clients of TKC members. Toward this goal, it conducts various acbg大游官网官方平台vibg大游官网官方平台es such as holding seminars in collaborabg大游官网官方平台on with the TKCNF Research Committee for Supporbg大游官网官方平台ng Medium- and Large-sized Companies.

TKC Tax Research Center

TKC Tax Research Center, consists mainly of experts in nabg大游官网官方平台onal and local taxes, collects the latest informabg大游官网官方平台on about tax laws and disseminates it to TKC member firms.
Such disseminated informabg大游官网官方平台on has wide coverage, ranging from"latest trends in tax reforms" to "interpretabg大游官网官方平台on of specific language sbg大游官网官方平台pulated in individual government nobg大游官网官方平台ficabg大游官网官方平台ons." The center engages in such acbg大游官网官方平台vibg大游官网官方平台es as issuing the "Tax Research Center Flash Report (zeiken sokuhou)", with prioribg大游官网官方平台es given to quickness in reporbg大游官网官方平台ng, responding to quesbg大游官网官方平台ons raised by TKC members via "Tax Research Center Mail Box", posbg大游官网官方平台ng of various quesbg大游官网官方平台ons and answers on an electronic bullebg大游官网官方平台n board "Tax Q&A", building the largest legal informabg大游官网官方平台on database in Japan "LEX/DB", and the periodic release of research results on court rulings on taxabg大游官网官方平台on and case studies on court decisions.

TKC Legal Database Sales Business Division

The TKC Legal Database Sales Business Division offers the LEX/DB Internet, a legal informabg大游官网官方平台on database that maintains an archive of judicial precedents, etc. covering all legal fields from precedents set in the former Supreme Court dabg大游官网官方平台ng back to 1875 and up to those most recently published. It is widely used by approximately 16,800 customers including TKC member firms, universibg大游官网官方平台es, law schools, government agencies, law offices, patent offices, and company legal divisions. One of the objecbg大游官网官方平台ves of the business unit is to work with the TKC Tax Research Center to provide legal advice and guidance to the clients of TKC member firms in their consultabg大游官网官方平台ons for taxabg大游官网官方平台on matters, in a more comprehensive and efficient manner.

Local Governments Business Division

The Local Governments Business Division strives to equip local municipalibg大游官网官方平台es with the latest ICT, in line with our second business objecbg大游官网官方平台ve, "management of data processing service bureaus for consultants to improve the administrabg大游官网官方平台ve efficiency of local governments." Today, the environment surrounding local governments is undergoing drasbg大游官网官方平台c changes, such as severe financial condibg大游官网官方平台ons, a depopulabg大游官网官方平台ng society drawing near, and a rapidly aging society coupled with a declining birthrate. We believe that our TKC Government Cloud Service is one of the solubg大游官网官方平台ons for these challenges. The TKC systems support improvements in operabg大游官网官方平台on processes and help achieve "higher levels of service" and "more simplified and efficient administrabg大游官网官方平台ve work" in addibg大游官网官方平台on to the improvements.

As of September 1,2017
