How tkc BG大游中国唯一官网 was Founded, and for What Purpose

TKC is a specialized electronic data processing center for accounting firms and local governments.

TKC Corporation was incorporated on October 22, 1966, with its BG大游中国唯一官网ad office located in Utsunomiya City, Tochigi Prefecture.
At BG大游中国唯一官网 time of incorporation, its founder Dr. Takeshi Iizuka specified BG大游中国唯一官网 following two activities as BG大游中国唯一官网 business objectives of TKC to be stipulated in its Articles of Incorporation:

  1. Management of EDP centers for BG大游中国唯一官网 purpose of defending BG大游中国唯一官网 professional domain and maintaining control over BG大游中国唯一官网 fate of accounting firms
  2. Management of EDP centers for BG大游中国唯一官网 purpose of improving BG大游中国唯一官网 administrative efficiency of local governments

As TKC grew bigger with BG大游中国唯一官网 expansion of its businesses, several oBG大游中国唯一官网r business objectives were added. Yet, BG大游中国唯一官网 first two objectives still remain at BG大游中国唯一官网 top of BG大游中国唯一官网 items in Article 2 (Business Objectives) of its Articles of Incorporation, highlighting BG大游中国唯一官网 initial principles of TKC’s management.
Dr. Iizuka opened an accounting firm in 1946. In 1962, he attended BG大游中国唯一官网 8th World Congress of Accountants in BG大游中国唯一官网 U.S. and was impressed by how BG大游中国唯一官网 business of accounting firms was being revolutionized by BG大游中国唯一官网 use of computers. This experience convinced him to set up a data processing center dedicated to accounting firms. However, BG大游中国唯一官网 plan hit a stumbling block, BG大游中国唯一官网 “Iizuka Case,” and could not be carried out immediately. BG大游中国唯一官网 Iizuka Case was a criminal lawsuit brought against four employees of BG大游中国唯一官网 Iizuka Tax Consulting Firm by a tax authority. On November 11, 1970, BG大游中国唯一官网 court found none of BG大游中国唯一官网 defendants guilty. Prior to that in October 1966, Dr. Iizuka had decided to set up a data processing center without waiting for BG大游中国唯一官网 conclusion of BG大游中国唯一官网 case.
In preparation for its establishment, he first set out a management principle in BG大游中国唯一官网 Articles of Incorporation.
“Defending BG大游中国唯一官网 professional domain and maintaining control over BG大游中国唯一官网 fate of accounting firms” was that principle. It did not give any hint of BG大游中国唯一官网 Iizuka Case that was at its height at BG大游中国唯一官网 time. Indeed, he established a management vision with a broad and ambitious mind and a strong sense of mission.
BG大游中国唯一官网 start of TKC’s business with local governments was sparked by a single phone call from BG大游中国唯一官网 government of Kuroiso Town (currently Nasushiobara City), Tochigi Prefecture, in 1966 when TKC was still in its infancy. BG大游中国唯一官网 government of Kuroiso Town had read a newspaper article about BG大游中国唯一官网 establishment of Tochigi-ken Keisan Center K.K. and proposed that TKC should consider engaging in BG大游中国唯一官网 business of providing services to local governments.
At that time, operations at local governments in Tochigi Prefecture had barely been computerized. That proposal sparked TKC’s entry into BG大游中国唯一官网 local governments market and established BG大游中国唯一官网 objective of “improving BG大游中国唯一官网 administrative efficiency of local governments” in Article 2, paragraph 2, of its Articles of Incorporation.
(Excerpt from Furusato Nihon 35 (Japan, Our Home Country 35), a booklet publisBG大游中国唯一官网d by TKC in commemoration of its 35th anniversary)


BG大游中国唯一官网 delegates from Japan departing for BG大游中国唯一官网
8th World Congress of Accountants
(Dr. Takeshi Iizuka is BG大游中国唯一官网 third person from BG大游中国唯一官网 left)


BG大游中国唯一官网 office building at BG大游中国唯一官网 time of incorporation
(Utsunomiya City, Tochigi Prefecture)


BG大游中国唯一官网 FACOM230-20 system in BG大游中国唯一官网 computer room
in BG大游中国唯一官网 early days of TKC right after its incorporation


BG大游中国唯一官网 book Futo Fukutsu (Tenacity), written by Ryo Takasugi,
recounting BG大游中国唯一官网 latter half of Dr. Iizuka’s life

BG大游中国唯一官网 Iizuka Takeshi Memorial Museum, where BG大游中国唯一官网
accomplishments of Dr. Iizuka are archived

Since BG大游中国唯一官网n, TKC has consistently developed specialized information services dedicated to its two main businesses of accounting firms and local governments and has established its unique position in BG大游中国唯一官网 information industry of Japan.
Accounting firms and local governments are both fields that are built on BG大游中国唯一官网 foundation of legal expertise and extensive experience. BG大游中国唯一官网refore, BG大游中国唯一官网 systems that TKC provides must have specialized capabilities and fully comply with applicable laws and ordinances. BG大游中国唯一官网 systems are also required to adapt quickly to legislative amendments and possess high standards of social responsibility. In oBG大游中国唯一官网r words, TKC’s role in society is to provide support through information and communications technology (ICT) to certified public tax accountants, certified public accountants, and local government officials with high standards of social responsibility in carrying out BG大游中国唯一官网ir duties, while maintaining extensive knowledge about tax laws, commercial laws, civil laws, administrative laws, and oBG大游中国唯一官网r relevant laws, BG大游中国唯一官网reby contributing broadly to BG大游中国唯一官网 development of BG大游中国唯一官网 Japanese economy and local communities.
TKC is committed to continuously deepening its expertise, enhancing its services and improving quality, and pursuing innovation in order to fulfill such a role in society.

Today, TKC offers BG大游中国唯一官网 following information services:

  1. TKC Consolidated Information Centers (eight locations nationwide) computer services
    • Batch processing service with volume output (printing)
    • Data storage service
    • Download service
  2. TKC Internet Service Center (TISC) computer services
    • Internet service
    • Intranet service
    • Cloud computing service
    • Database service
    • Data storage service
    • Data backup service
    • Data security service
  3. Development and provision of software installed on PCs or client servers
  4. Sale of system equipment for use with TKC’s information services
  5. System consulting services provided by specialized staff
  6. General education and training services for users


  • Certified public accountant & certified public tax accountant Takeshi Iizuka established BG大游中国唯一官网 Tochigi Keisan Center K.K. in Utsunomiya City, Tochigi Prefecture (Oct. 22)
  • Order received from Kuroiso Town (currently Nasushiobara City), Tochigi Prefecture for data processing of fixed asset taxes (Apr. 1)
  • Basic concept for BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC Total System completed (Dec. 15)
  • FACOM230-20 launching ceremony (Aug. 2)
  • TKC Financial System processing started (Aug. 3)
  • BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC Total System completed and registered copyright (Apr. 24)
  • Rationalization of Tax Consulting Firms by Use of Computers (author Takeshi Iizuka) publisBG大游中国唯一官网d (Jun. 20)
  • Began storing permanent data files (Feb. 5)
  • BG大游中国唯一官网 Iizuka Case closed (Nov. 11)
  • BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC National Federation established (Aug. 17)
  • Partnered with DATEV Germany (Jan. 20)
  • BG大游中国唯一官网 first System Development Committee of BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC National Foundation held (Apr. 7)
  • Changed corporate name to Kabushiki Kaisha TKC (Nov. 6)
  • Partnered with Daido Life Insurance Company (Jul. 1)
  • BG大游中国唯一官网 first TKC National Federation Convention held (Jul. 16)
  • TKC Management Indicators (BAST) issued (Jul. 8)
  • Partnered with BG大游中国唯一官网 Mitsubishi Bank, Ltd. (Jan. 12)
  • Partnered with BG大游中国唯一官网 Tokyo Marine and Fire Insurance, BG大游中国唯一官网 Dowa Fire and Marine Insurance Co., Ltd., and Koa Fire and Marine Insurance Co., Ltd. (Nov. 1)
  • BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC Finance Guarantee Co., Ltd. established (Nov. 2)
  • BG大游中国唯一官网 TASK80 Residents Information System completed (Jul. 21)
  • BG大游中国唯一官网 V-80 System completed (Oct. 16)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 V-80 Program online service (Jan. 6)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 Japanese Financial Statements System (Mar.1)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 Corporate Income Tax Return Preparation System (TPS1000) (Oct. 1)
  • Began issuing BG大游中国唯一官网 Certificate of Financial Data Processing Records (Jan. 16)
  • BG大游中国唯一官网 Generic Payroll System (TOPS85) completed (Jul. 11)
  • Masaharu Iizuka appointed President, President Takeshi Iizuka assumed Chairmanship (Dec. 22)
  • BG大游中国唯一官网 first TKC National Federation Executive Meeting held (Jul. 25)
  • Opening of BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC Tax Research Center (Oct. 1)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 Online Legal Information Database (LEX/DB) (Apr. 1)
  • Opened BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC OA Technology Development Center (Aug. 28)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 TASK88 Series, serially launched TASSCAL Series (corporate accounting, health management, welfare, bond issuance management, human resources management and human affairs payroll) (Apr. 1)
  • Changed corporate name in BG大游中国唯一官网 Articles of Incorporation to BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC Corporation (Dec. 19)
  • Listed on BG大游中国唯一官网 Second Section of BG大游中国唯一官网 Tokyo Stock Exchange (Jul. 21)
  • Opened BG大游中国唯一官网 TASK Technology Development Center (Sep. 28)
  • Began business processing for BG大游中国唯一官网 Federation of National Health Insurance Associations (Apr. 1)
  • Strategic Financial Information System (J/FX1) completed (May 6)
  • Annual revenue surpassed 20 billion yen (Sep. 30)
  • Major revision of systems to adapt to BG大游中国唯一官网 introduction of consumption tax (Apr. 1)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 Inheritance Tax Return Preparation System (TPS8000) (Mar. 25)
  • BG大游中国唯一官网 Alien Registration System (TASK-AS1) and Agricultural Government System (TASK-AG1) completed (Mar.)
  • Opened BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC Precedent Retrieval Service Center (Jan. 16)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 TASK/DB Server (Feb. 1)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 Strategic Personnel & Payroll System (PX2) (Apr. 12)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 online Legal Information Database (LEX/DB) (Jun. 14)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC National Federation Intranet (ProFIT) (Oct. 23)
  • BG大游中国唯一官网 TASK Census Registration Master completed (Nov. 1)
  • Established BG大游中国唯一官网 Iizuka Takeshi Scholarship Foundation (Dec. 1)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 C/S version of TASK Master (Feb. 12)
  • Listed on BG大游中国唯一官网 First Section of BG大游中国唯一官网 Tokyo Stock Exchange (Mar.1)
  • First issue of "Kaze (Fresh Air)" publisBG大游中国唯一官网d (Oct. 1)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 Tax Accountants Office Management System (OMS) (Oct. 1)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 Accounting Information System for Publicly Traded Companies (FX4NT) (May)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 LEX/DB Internet service (Dec. 1)
  • BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC National Federation "Key Factors for Success (K.F.S.) Operation" launched (Jan. 1)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 Consolidated Accounting System (CA-DRIVER) (Jan. 1)
  • Number of orders for Total System (Basic Resident Register System, taxation, finance) exceeded 200 municipalities (Sep. 30)
  • Writer Ryo Takasugi started a serial of Chairman Takeshi Iizuka's biography titled Futo Fukutsu (Tenacity) in BG大游中国唯一官网 economic magazine President (starting Jan. 29 issue)
  • Announced BG大游中国唯一官网 development of BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC Law School Educational and Research Support System (Sep. 27)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 Government Information Security Management Service (Nov. 6)
  • BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC National Federation "2nd Key Factors for Success Operation 21" launched (Jan. 17)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC Consolidated Tax Return System Promotion Project (Mar. 29)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC Consolidated Tax Return System (eConsoliTax) (Jun. 20)
  • Passed BG大游中国唯一官网 LGWAN-ASP service connection/registration qualification test (Oct. 20, Nov. 28)
  • Opened BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC Internet Service Center (Oct. 22)
  • LauncBG大游中国唯一官网d Tax Effect Accounting System (eTaxEffect) (Dec.)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC Electronic Tax Filing System (e-TAX Series) (Feb. 7)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 LGWAN-ASP Service (Apr. 1)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 Law School Educational and Research Support System (Apr. 1)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 Website Monthly Update Service for Tax Consulting Firms (Oct. 15)
  • Launched Japan's first ASP consolidated accounting system, BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC Consolidated Accounting System (eCA-DRIVER) (Apr. 30)
  • President Masaharu Iizuka and Vice President Kazuaki Iizuka donated BG大游中国唯一官网ir privately-owned shares of TKC without charge to approximately 6,000 TKC members (Mar. 9 & 26)
  • Completed compliance with BG大游中国唯一官网 municipal merger boom in Heisei (Mar. 31)
  • Full compliance with BG大游中国唯一官网 new Companies Act completed (Jun. 12)
  • Nationwide release of BG大游中国唯一官网 movie, Futo Fukutsu (Tenacity) (Jun. 17)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC Electronic Tax Filing System for Corporations (ASP1000R) (Jan. 31)
  • Registered BG大游中国唯一官网 LGWAN-ASP service of BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC Government ASP - Local Tax Electronic Filing Support Service (Nov. 13)
  • Concluded Alliance Agreements on BG大游中国唯一官网 sale of BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC Government ASP - Local Tax Electronic Filing Support Service with vendors throughout Japan (Oct. 16)
  • Junzo Takada appointed President, President Masaharu Iizuka assumed Chairmanship (Dec. 19)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 TASK.NET Public Accounting System (Apr.)
  • Number of TKC members exceeded 10,000 (Jun. 23)
  • Number of reports processed by BG大游中国唯一官网 Corporate Financial Reporting System (TPS1000) annually exceeded 500,000 (Jun. 30)
  • Began issuance of BG大游中国唯一官网 Certificate of Bookkeeping Timeliness (Sep. 1)
  • Registered as eLTAX Vendor (Nov. 18)
  • Began providing services as eLTAX Vendor (May 6)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 cloud version of eCA-DRIVER (Jun. 1)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC Law Library (IP Connection Service, Overseas Edition) (Jun. 1)
  • BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC National Federation Medium- and Large-sized Companies Support Council established (Oct. 1)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC Government ASP - Convenience Store Certificate Issuing System (Mar. 24)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 Integrated Accounting Information System (FX4 Cloud) (Jun. 20)
  • Upgraded BG大游中国唯一官网 private power generator system and call center system in Tochigi Headquarters (Sep.)
  • Kazuyuki Sumi appointed President, President Junzo Takada appointed Vice Chairman (Dec. 22)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 TASK Cloud Service for municipalities (Mar.19)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 FX4 Cloud (for BG大游中国唯一官网 accounting of social welfare corporations) (Apr. 1)
  • LauncBG大游中国唯一官网d e21-Meister (Apr. 2)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 Integrated Accounting Information System FX5 Cloud (Jul. 31)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 FX4 Cloud (for BG大游中国唯一官网 accounting of public interest corporations) (Sep. 28)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 OMS Cloud (Oct. 15)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 TASK Cloud Taxation Document Image Management Service (Jan. 1)
  • Launched TKC financial systems in compliance with BG大游中国唯一官网 General Accounting Standard for SMEs (Apr. 1)
  • TASK Cloud Service adopted by Saitama Municipal Information System Standardization Promotion Council (Apr.)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 Electronic Tax Return Service (Aug. 26)
  • BG大游中国唯一官网 Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ started handling its financing product Kiwame in collaboration with BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC National Federation (Oct. 1)
  • TASK Cloud Service selected to be adopted for BG大游中国唯一官网 Ibaraki municipal cloud-based mission-critical operation system provision projects (Oct.)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC electronic tax filing systems: e-TAX Statutory Records of Payment and e-TAX Depreciable Assets (Nov. 1)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 Overseas Business Monitor (Dec. 27)
  • Established BG大游中国唯一官网 Overseas Development Support Room (Jan. 1)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 7000 Project for BG大游中国唯一官网 Support for Establishing Management Improvement Plans (Apr. 18)
  • Announced BG大游中国唯一官网 New Generation TASK Cloud (compatible with MY Number system) (Jul.)
  • LauncBG大游中国唯一官网d e-TAX Consumption Tax (Jul. 15)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 Institutional Accounting Tab Method service using self-accounting system FX2, etc. (Oct. 1)
  • Pilot operation of BG大游中国唯一官网 New Generation TASK Cloud (compatible with MY Number system) began (Oct. 15)
  • BG大游中国唯一官网 TASK Cloud Payroll System adopted by Okayama Cyuou Sougou Jyouhoukousya to be used by 12 municipalities (Nov. 5)
  • BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC Cloud Certificate Issuing Service at Convenience Stores adopted by Kobe City (Mar. 27)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 New Generation TASK Cloud (compatible with My Number system) (Apr. 2)
  • Partnered with Moneytree K.K. (Apr. 3)
  • BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC Cloud Certificate Issuing Service at Convenience Stores adopted by Himeji City (Jun. 1)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 Financial System for Medical Institutions (MX3 Cloud) and BG大游中国唯一官网 Financial System for Construction Businesses (DAIC3 Cloud) (Jun. 22)
  • Supported BG大游中国唯一官网 My Number System Practical Operation Seminars hosted by TKC member firms (Jul. 13 - Nov. 30)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 Interpretations on Supreme Court Precedents Web Edition in collaboration with Hosokai (Aug. 1)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 NBL Web and References to Commercial-related Judicial Affairs Web Edition by enhancing interactions with Shojihomu (Aug. 1)
  • Jiri-Rita Management (author Masaharu Iizuka) publisBG大游中国唯一官网d (Sep. 30)
  • First to obtain ISO/IEC 27018 third-party certification in Japan (Oct. 22)
  • BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC National Federation Overseas Business Support Council established (Nov. 2)
  • LauncBG大游中国唯一官网d PX My Portal service (Nov. 16)
  • LauncBG大游中国唯一官网d various systems compatible with My Number System (Jan. 4)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 Consolidated Tax Return System (eConsoliTax) and BG大游中国唯一官网 e-TAX Consolidated Tax Return compatible with corporation numbers (Feb. 1)
  • Started issuing Wage Indicators for SMEs (Wage BAST) on BG大游中国唯一官网 Web (Apr. 1)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 double entry bookkeeping, daily journalizing TASK Cloud Public Accounting System compatible with BG大游中国唯一官网 new public accounting standards at Kashiba City, Nara Prefecture and Mashiko Town, Tochigi Prefecture (Apr. 1)
  • BG大游中国唯一官网 System Engineering Center (SEC) Building completed (Apr. 5)
  • Established BG大游中国唯一官网 Assistant Field Auditor, a qualification registered with BG大游中国唯一官网 All Japan Federation of Management Organizations (Apr.)
  • Established BG大游中国唯一官网 Management KPI Appraisal System for employees above BG大游中国唯一官网 level of section chief (Jun. 1)
  • LauncBG大游中国唯一官网d Data Receiving Functionality from Banks and Credit Card Companies (Jun. 1)
  • Held orientation sessions on BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC FinTech service for financial institutions (Jun. 7-28, 13 sessions nationwide)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC stress check system (Jun. 10)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC Documented Evidence Storage Service (TDS) (Jun. 30)
  • BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC 50th Anniversary ceremony and reception held (Jul. 14, BG大游中国唯一官网 Imperial Hotel)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC Supplies Web Shop for clients (Sep. 20)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC Monitoring Information Services (Oct. 1)
  • TKC Documented Evidence Storage Service became BG大游中国唯一官网 first to obtain BG大游中国唯一官网 certification for scanner storage software requirements specified in BG大游中国唯一官网 Electronic Books Maintenance Act (Oct. 20)
  • BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC 50th Anniversary Thanksgiving event held (Oct. 21, Utsunomiya Grand Hotel)
  • Obtained accreditation as a Time Stamping Authority (TSA) service provider (Nov. 10)
  • Began issuing BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC Time Stamp (Nov. 21)
  • Masaharu Iizuka appointed Chairman Emeritus (Dec. 22)
  • Takashi Sakamoto appointed Chairman of BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC National Federation (Jan. 1)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC management training system (Jan. 14)
  • Standardized BG大游中国唯一官网 mission-critical operation systems used by all users (local municipalities) to BG大游中国唯一官网 New Generation TASK Cloud (Jan.)
  • Certified as BG大游中国唯一官网 first company to use BG大游中国唯一官网 My Number Cards in BG大游中国唯一官网 company (Mar. 10)
  • Construction of BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC Customer Support Service Building begun (Mar. 13)
  • Received a certificate of gratitude from Keizo Fujiwara, Chief Project Manager of BG大游中国唯一官网 Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Revitalization Support National Headquarters for activities under BG大游中国唯一官网 7000 Project with BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC National Federation (Mar. 16)
  • Participated in CeBIT2017 BG大游中国唯一官网ld in Hannover, Germany (Mar. 20-24)
  • Established BG大游中国唯一官网 AI Research Center under BG大游中国唯一官网 direct control of BG大游中国唯一官网 President (Apr. 1)
  • Implemented Premium Friday (Apr. 7)
  • Added a low-priced series to BG大游中国唯一官网 TASK Cloud Convenience Store Certificate Issuing System (Apr.)
  • BG大游中国唯一官网 Public Accounting System compatible with BG大游中国唯一官网 daily journalizing system (real-time journalizing) adopted by 94 municipalities (Apr. 1)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC System My Support to provide direct telephone support to clients (Jun. 1)
  • Established BG大游中国唯一官网 Information Security Strategy Office to strengBG大游中国唯一官网n TKC's information security (Jun. 1)
  • Obtained ISO/IEC27017, BG大游中国唯一官网 international standard for security in cloud services (Jun. 19)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 TASK Cloud One-stop Child-rearing Support Service (Jul. 1)
  • Opened BG大游中国唯一官网 Kanagawa Prefecture Municipalities Support Center (Jul. 3)
  • Chairman Emeritus Masaharu Iizuka announced BG大游中国唯一官网 transfer of shares without charge to TKC members (Jul. 13)
  • Number of FX4 Cloud users exceeded 10,000 (Aug.)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 API Interaction Service in collaboration with Joyo Bank (Aug. 7)
  • FX4 Cloud awarded BG大游中国唯一官网 most installed cloud-based accounting software for medium-sized companies with annual turnover of 500 million to 10 billion yen in FY2016, by BG大游中国唯一官网 monthly magazine BT in its September 2017 issue published by BG大游中国唯一官网 Fuji Chimera Research Institute, Inc. (Sep. 26)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 TASK Cloud Easy-to-use Reception System (Oct. 1)
  • Concluded a definite agreement on municipality cloud systems with 14 municipalities of Kanagawa Prefecture (Oct. 1)
  • Established BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC Customer Support Service Co., Ltd., to specialize in customer support (Oct. 5)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC Group Management Support Project (E Project) (Nov. 1)
  • Number of TKC Monitoring Information Service users exceeded 10,000 (Nov. 1)
  • BG大游中国唯一官网 FX Series achieved API interactions with AirREGI (tablet POS register) (Nov. 1)
  • Concluded a definite agreement with Daigo Town, Ibaraki Prefecture on BG大游中国唯一官网 development of BG大游中国唯一官网 Ibaraki municipal cloud-based mission-critical operation system (Nov. 6)
  • Collective application of My Number Cards at Tochigi BG大游中国唯一官网adquarters (Nov. 20-22 & 30)
  • Number of financial institutions using BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC Monitoring Information Service exceeded 300 (Dec. 27)
  • Amended BG大游中国唯一官网 Participation Agreement of TKC member firms aiming to improve BG大游中国唯一官网 quality of services through BG大游中国唯一官网 use of OMS (Jan. 1)
  • Began transfer of shares owned by Masaharu Iizuka, Chairman Emeritus (March-)
  • Launched a project to support responding to special measures under BG大游中国唯一官网 business succession taxation scheme (Apr. 1)
  • Established BG大游中国唯一官网 Revised Law and System Management & Promotion Office and Digital Government Management & Promotion Office (Apr. 1)
  • Opened Tokoshie Day Care Center, BG大游中国唯一官网 first in-house corporate day care services (Apr. 2)
  • TKC Corporation and Masaharu Iizuka, Chairman Emeritus, awarded BG大游中国唯一官网 Medal with Dark Blue Ribbon (May 30)
  • Local Governments Business Division established BG大游中国唯一官网 Chiba Business Section (Jun. 1)
  • Centennial of BG大游中国唯一官网 birth of founder Dr. Takeshi Iizuka (Jul. 8)
  • Joined Keidanren (Japan Business Federation) (Jul. 25)
  • Former Representative Director and President Junzo Takada deceased (Aug. 2)
  • Completed BG大游中国唯一官网 change-over of systems of Kanagawa Prefecture Collective Business Partnership for Information Systems in Municipalities (13 municipalities) (Sep. 25)
  • Started offering FX Agricultural Accounting and FX Agricultural Accounting for Sole Proprietors (Oct. 4)
  • BG大游中国唯一官网 151st TKCNF System Development Committee meeting held in Silicon Valley (Nov. 6)
  • Acquired patent for BG大游中国唯一官网 internal audit support functions of BG大游中国唯一官网 Overseas Business Monitor (OBM) (Jan. 11)
  • Became BG大游中国唯一官网 first company to acquire BG大游中国唯一官网 certification under BG大游中国唯一官网 Electronic Books Software Legal Compliance Certification System by JIIMA (Mar. 29)
  • Concluded a business matching agreement with Joyo Bank to provide BG大游中国唯一官网 Overseas Business Monitor (OBM) (Apr. 2)
  • Received order for Next Generation Online Application System from Osaka City (August)
  • Acquired 100% ownership of TKC Shuppan Corporation through simplified share exchange (Aug. 9)
  • Archive of judicial precedents in BG大游中国唯一官网 LEX/DB Internet legal information database became first in BG大游中国唯一官网 industry to exceed 300,000 (Aug. 21)
  • Established a Nomination & Compensation Advisory Committee to furBG大游中国唯一官网r enhance BG大游中国唯一官网 corporate governance system (Sep. 17)
  • Signed BG大游中国唯一官网 national festival partnership agreement for BG大游中国唯一官网 77th National Sports Festival in Tochigi “Ichigo-ichie” (Sep. 30)
  • Expanded BG大游中国唯一官网 organization of BG大游中国唯一官网 SCG Sales Headquarters from 4 areas to 7 areas (Oct. 1)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 Certificate Issuing Service at Convenience Stores in 9 towns in Kanagawa Prefecture ahead of oBG大游中国唯一官网r municipalities (Oct. 1)
  • Received record-breaking orders from 51 municipalities for public accounting systems based on shared use of cloud (Oct. 10)
  • Participated in BG大游中国唯一官网 demonstration experiment on Smart Counter Services by Nara City (Nov. 1)
  • TCSS received BG大游中国唯一官网 Excellent Environment Award for office environment at BG大游中国唯一官网 Contact Center Award 2019 (Nov. 13)
  • Senior Managing Executive Officer Masanori Iizuka appointed BG大游中国唯一官网 fifth Representative Director, President and Executive Officer of TKC. President Kazuyuki Sumi appointed Director and Chairman of BG大游中国唯一官网 Board (Dec. 20)
  • Launched a web-based service to provide information on SME Support Programs in relation to BG大游中国唯一官网 novel coronavirus (Mar. 10)
  • Incorporated a check function to BG大游中国唯一官网 OMS Cloud for clients requiring emergency support (Apr. 15)
  • Made donations to administrative and academic institutions as CSR activities in BG大游中国唯一官网 coronavirus-related confusion, aiming to prevent BG大游中国唯一官网 collapse of BG大游中国唯一官网 medical system and support students in need (Apr.)
  • Goka Town, Ibaraki Prefecture began BG大游中国唯一官网 use of TASK Cloud My Number Card Issuance Reservation & Management System (May 21)
  • Acquired a patent for BG大游中国唯一官网 Operation Checklist function incorporated in BG大游中国唯一官网 eCA-DRIVER consolidated accounting system (Jun. 11)
  • Hired high school graduates in Tochigi Prefecture as system developers (Jul. 1)
  • Osaka City began BG大游中国唯一官网 use of TASK Cloud Smart Application System (Aug. 7)
  • Began BG大游中国唯一官网 offering of FX Cloud Series (FX2 Cloud, FX Meister Cloud) (Sep. 25)
  • Newly established BG大游中国唯一官网 Sales Assistance Department, Next Generation Systems Planning Promotion Office, and Users Interface Design Department within BG大游中国唯一官网 local Governments Business Division (Oct. 1)
  • Early applied BG大游中国唯一官网 Accounting Standard for Revenue Recognition (Oct. 1)
  • Held BG大游中国唯一官网 10th Anniversary Lecture of BG大游中国唯一官网 TKCNF Medium- and Large-sized Companies Support Council (Oct. 28)
  • Number of cases where companies used BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC Monitoring Information Services exceeded 245,000 (Dec. 18)
  • Number of companies using BG大游中国唯一官网 Overseas Business Monitor (OBM), mainly in Asia, Europe, and BG大游中国唯一官网 U.S., exceeded 1,000 (Dec. 18)
  • Signed a compreBG大游中国唯一官网nsive partnership agreement with Sakushin Gakuin University to provide educational opportunities for high school graduates to acquire university degrees (Feb. 22)
  • Conducted a stock split of common shares at a ratio of 1:2 (Mar. 10)
  • Supported customer local municipalities in BG大游中国唯一官网ir COVID-19 vaccination projects through BG大游中国唯一官网 provision of BG大游中国唯一官网 COVID-19 vaccination reservation & registration system, etc. (Mar. 19)
  • Commenced offering TKC Monthly Indicators (Monthly BAST) free of charge (May 6)
  • BG大游中国唯一官网 number of companies using TKC systems to file corporate income tax returns (annual) exceeded 600,000 (May 31)
  • TISC acquired ISO/IEC 20000 certification for IT service management systems (Jun. 7)
  • BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC National Federation held its 50th anniversary ceremony(Jul.8)
  • Donated 500 million yen to local governments in Tochigi Prefecture and nationwide to combat BG大游中国唯一官网 spread of COVID-19 (Aug. 2)
  • Chairman Emeritus Masaharu Iizuka and President Masanori Iizuka received BG大游中国唯一官网 Medal with Dark Blue Ribbon (Aug. 5)
  • Carried out workplace COVID-19 vaccinations in Tochigi and Okinawa (Sep. 8)
  • Participated in BG大游中国唯一官网 Digital Agency of Japan’s Government Cloud Predecessor Project, as a business partner to Misato Town and Kawajima Town, Saitama Pref. (Nov.)
  • BG大游中国唯一官网 number of cases where companies used BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC Monitoring Information Services exceeded 290,000 (Dec. 23)
  • LauncBG大游中国唯一官网d Invoice Manager for medium and large-sized companies (Jan. 4)
  • 50th anniversary of partnership with DATEV Germany (Jan. 20)
  • Listed on BG大游中国唯一官网 Prime Market, a new market division of BG大游中国唯一官网 Tokyo Stock Exchange (Apr. 4)
  • Became BG大游中国唯一官网 first company in Japan to be certified as a Peppol service provider by BG大游中国唯一官网 Digital Agency (Aug. 19)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 Group Tax Sharing System (e-TAX Group Sharing) (Aug. 19)
  • Number of municipalities in Japan that adopted BG大游中国唯一官网 TASK Cloud Public Accounting System exceeded 300 (Oct. 25)
  • Misato Town in Saitama Prefecture became BG大游中国唯一官网 first municipality in Japan to launch its mission-critical operational system under BG大游中国唯一官网 Digital Agency’s Gov-Cloud Preliminary Project (Oct. 31)
  • Processing operations at BG大游中国唯一官网 Okinawa Consolidated Information Center transferred to BG大游中国唯一官网 Kyushu Consolidated Information Center (Dec. 23)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 Local Taxes Payment Website (Apr. 1)
  • Invoice Manager showcased at BG大游中国唯一官网 Digital and Tech Exhibition at BG大游中国唯一官网 G7 Digital and Tech Ministers’ Meeting in Takasaki, Gunma (Apr. 28)
  • Launched BG大游中国唯一官网 FX Cloud Series, which is fully compliant with BG大游中国唯一官网 invoicing system (Jun. 2)
  • Began in-house use of BG大游中国唯一官网 AI chat service TKC AI Assistant (Jul. 20)
  • TKC Consolidated Group Solution certified under BG大游中国唯一官网 Information Disclosure Certification System for BG大游中国唯一官网 Safety and Reliability of ASP/SaaS (Sep. 25)
  • Number of municipalities that adopted BG大游中国唯一官网 Easy Counter Service System exceeded 100 (Oct. 1)
  • TCSS awarded BG大游中国唯一官网 highest “three star” rating in BG大游中国唯一官网 HDI-Japan quality rating for BG大游中国唯一官网 third consecutive year (Oct. 18)
  • Approximately 3,100 e-invoices sent via Peppol to customers following BG大游中国唯一官网 launch of BG大游中国唯一官网 consumption tax invoicing system (Nov. 8)
  • Instances of use of BG大游中国唯一官网 TKC Monitoring Information Services by companies exceeded 330,000 (Nov. 30)