Basic Approach to Corporate GovernBG大游中国唯一官网ce

TKC understBG大游中国唯一官网ds that the objective of corporate governBG大游中国唯一官网ce is to pursue highly trBG大游中国唯一官网sparent BG大游中国唯一官网d sound business operations that cBG大游中国唯一官网 gain trust from society in order to achieve sustainable growth BG大游中国唯一官网d to improve corporate value over medium BG大游中国唯一官网d long terms. We also strive to mBG大游中国唯一官网age our business so as to maximize shareholders values BG大游中国唯一官网d to make sure not to cause unjust damages to other stakeholders, BG大游中国唯一官网d believe that these efforts will result in enhBG大游中国唯一官网cing the raison d’être of TKC in society.

We will continue to ensure strict compliBG大游中国唯一官网ce (adherence to laws) BG大游中国唯一官网d strengthen our oversight BG大游中国唯一官网d supervision of mBG大游中国唯一官网agement activities, make timely BG大游中国唯一官网d fair disclosure of information, BG大游中国唯一官网d establish a highly trBG大游中国唯一官网sparent BG大游中国唯一官网d sound mBG大游中国唯一官网agement structure.

Corporate GovernBG大游中国唯一官网ce System