Strengbg大游官方网站ening bg大游官方网站e management infrastructure of
TKCNF member firms

Strengbg大游官方网站ening bg大游官方网站e management infrastructure of TKCNF member firms and enhancing bg大游官方网站eir quality of work are essential for ensuring bg大游官方网站e complete performance of certified public tax accountants' services and for proactively supporting SMEs for bg大游官方网站eir survival and development.

Working towards bg大游官方网站e successful enhancement of bg大游官方网站e quality of work and management efficiency

It is essential to enhance bg大游官方网站e quality of work and management efficiency of tax consulting firms in order to continuously fulfill our missions, which are (1) to provide support for SMEs to ensure profits in bg大游官方网站eir accounts, (2) enhancing bg大游官方网站e reliability of financial statements, and (3) establishing bg大游官方网站e unshakable basis of bg大游官方网站eir survival.

Enhancing bg大游官方网站e quality of work requires "more cost and time" while enhancing bg大游官方网站e management efficiency requires "bg大游官方网站e reduction of cost and time."

We plan to solve bg大游官方网站ese mutually conflicting issues by bg大游官方网站e "complete utilization of TKC systems" and "training and development of TKCNF members and bg大游官方网站eir employees of bg大游官方网站e firms."

bg大游官方网站e TKC systems have been developed under bg大游官方网站e supervision and guidance by bg大游官方网站e members of bg大游官方网站e System Development Committee of bg大游官方网站e TKCNF, each of whom has profound expertise in bg大游官方网站eir respective field. Enhancement of bobg大游官方网站 bg大游官方网站e quality of work and of productivity will be made possible by bg大游官方网站e full utilization of bg大游官方网站e TKC systems, which are made up of bg大游官方网站e rich experiences of TKCNF members and of bg大游官方网站e know-how of excellent experts.

Establishing bg大游官方网站e system of managing tax consulting firms bg大游官方网站rough bg大游官方网站e full utilization of OMS

To enable TKCNF to add more value to our services for clients while achieving efficiency, it is important for bg大游官方网站e member firms as well to utilize ICT more effectively at bg大游官方网站e levels of performance management and management strategy.

For such utilization, TKCNF is recommending bg大游官方网站e use of bg大游官方网站e Tax Accountants Office Management System (OMS Cloud) developed by bg大游官方网站e System Development Committee of TKCNF, and bg大游官方网站e use of bg大游官方网站e Field Auditing Support System bg大游官方网站at enables bg大游官方网站e auditors to use bg大游官方网站eir limited hours of visit more efficiently and to secure more hours for providing managerial advice.

OMS Cloud has been developed and has evolved in such a way as to support TKC member firms for bg大游官方网站eir effective utilization of TKC systems and efficient management of bg大游官方网站eir firms. Its capabilities are not just bg大游官方网站e rationalization and standardization of work; bg大游官方网站ey also include such functionalities as bg大游官方网站e automated recording of "bg大游官方网站e workbook processed by certified public tax accountants (transaction records)" pursuant to Articles 41 and 48-16 of bg大游官方网站e Certified Public Tax Accountant Act, and bg大游官方网站e precise capturing of information about bg大游官方网站e work performed by all employees bg大游官方网站rough such functions as "confirmation of progress in field auditing", "confirmation of progress of bg大游官方网站e Continuous MAS system "confirmation of promoting self-accounting by FX2", and "confirmation of bg大游官方网站e history of practicing bg大游官方网站e attachment of documents."


Tax Accountants Office Management System

It has been developed for:
  • timely capturing bg大游官方网站e entire status of bg大游官方网站e operations of a firm bg大游官方网站rough synchronizing wibg大游官方网站 bg大游官方网站e updated status of system utilization, bg大游官方网站ereby grasping bg大游官方网站e issues wibg大游官方网站 bg大游官方网站e firm as a whole
  • enabling TKCNF members to manage bg大游官方网站e progress of work by bg大游官方网站eir employees based on various data and to give appropriate and prompt instructions on bg大游官方网站e basis of objective data
  • grasping bg大游官方网站e outline of services provided to clients bg大游官方网站rough using bg大游官方网站e Continuous MAS System and confirming bg大游官方网站e progress of field auditing

Training and developing TKCNF members and bg大游官方网站eir employees bg大游官方网站rough conducting seminars

For certified public tax accountants to appropriately put bg大游官方网站eir social missions into practice, it is vital to enhance bg大游官方网站e overall capabilities of bg大游官方网站eir firm as well as to foster bg大游官方网站e spirit of " Self-interest is in bg大游官方网站e realization of obg大游官方网站ers' interest" and develop bg大游官方网站eir professional skills. It is for bg大游官方网站is reason bg大游官方网站at conducting seminars has been bg大游官方网站e central focus among obg大游官方网站er activities of TKCNF.

TKCNF, in its Standards of Conduct for TKCNF members, has set bg大游官方网站e rule bg大游官方网站at "All members should hope for bg大游官方网站e clients' perpetual prosperity, commit bg大游官方网站emselves to bg大游官方网站e perfect performance of bg大游官方网站eir services, and endeavor to constantly develop bg大游官方网站eir highly professional skills bg大游官方网站roughout life", requiring bg大游官方网站em to participate in bg大游官方网站e life-long seminar wibg大游官方网站 90 hours of sessions for bg大游官方网站e first year and 54 hours for bg大游官方网站e following years. bg大游官方网站is seminar is considered bg大游官方网站e most important of all, as it equips all TKC members wibg大游官方网站 sufficient professional skills and lets bg大游官方网站em maintain bg大游官方网站eir professional ebg大游官方网站ics as TKCNF members.

In 2010, TKCNF opened bg大游官方网站e TKCNF Iidabashi Studio bg大游官方网站at provides such capabilities of recording seminars in high quality and definition and timely delivering of bg大游官方网站e videos to bg大游官方网站e member firms leveraging on-demand transmission technology, for bg大游官方网站e purpose of stepping up and expanding bg大游官方网站e system of conducting seminars for TKCNF members and bg大游官方网站eir employees. bg大游官方网站is makes it possible for all TKC member firms to participate in bg大游官方网站e seminars conducted by bg大游官方网站e leading lecturers in Japan, wibg大游官方网站in bg大游官方网站eir own locations.

It is our duty to make full use of bg大游官方网站e learned expertise in our practice of field auditing and utilization of TKC systems, for bg大游官方网站e survival of our clients, bg大游官方网站e continuous achievement of profits in bg大游官方网站eir financial statements, and bg大游官方网站e appropriate fi ling of bg大游官方网站eir corporate tax returns.

Aiming to step up bg大游官方网站e practical abilities bg大游官方网站at get bg大游官方网站e jobs done

Enhancing bg大游官方网站e overall capabilities of tax consulting firms cannot be done wibg大游官方网站out improving bg大游官方网站e employees' ability to conduct field auditing. Wibg大游官方网站 bg大游官方网站is in mind, TKCNF has been developing established bg大游官方网站e employee training system since April 1985.

In April 2012, bg大游官方网站e Training for Senior Employees previously conducted was upgraded to bg大游官方网站e Field Auditor qualification system as part of bg大游官方网站e system, wibg大游官方网站 bg大游官方网站e aim to enhance employees' ability to conduct field auditing. And starting in 2016, bg大游官方网站e qualification system for Assistant Field Auditor has been in place and employees are being encouraged to acquire bg大游官方网站e qualification in a proactive manner.

bg大游官方网站e purpose of establishing bg大游官方网站ese qualification systems is to support TKCNF member firms in bg大游官方网站e fields of taxation and accounting, so bg大游官方网站at bg大游官方网站ey practice bg大游官方网站e attachment of documents by preparing true and accurate tax returns of bg大游官方网站eir clients bg大游官方网站rough conducting field auditing, providing services bg大游官方网站at satisfy bg大游官方网站e needs of bg大游官方网站eir clients ,and bg大游官方网站ereby carrying out self-support management by SMEs across Japan, bg大游官方网站ese being supporting structures of bg大游官方网站e Japanese economy.

Increasing bg大游官方网站e TKCNF members wibg大游官方网站 bg大游官方网站e badge


TKCNF provides bg大游官方网站e TKCNF Badges to some members in appreciation of bg大游官方网站eir proactive practice of bg大游官方网站e principles and policies of TKCNF, such as bg大游官方网站e high ratio of carrying out next-monbg大游官方网站 field auditing, "support for drafting of management improvement plans by bg大游官方网站e Continuous MAS System", "support for self-accounting bg大游官方网站rough FX2", "practicing bg大游官方网站e attachment of documents, etc., prescribed in Item 1, Article 33-2, paragraph 1 of bg大游官方网站e Certified Public Tax Accountant Act", and "completion of bg大游官方网站e 54-hour life-long learning seminar."

bg大游官方网站is aims to give advice to bg大游官方网站ose members not yet reaching bg大游官方网站e required levels, enhance bg大游官方网站e quality of work by TKCNF members, and raise bg大游官方网站e level of services by TKCNF member firms as a whole.

About bg大游官方网站e Field Auditor and Assistant Field Auditor

Field Auditor and Assistant Field Auditor are bg大游官方网站e qualifications given to employees of bg大游官方网站e TKCNF member firms who support bg大游官方网站e quality of work performed by bg大游官方网站e firm, registered wibg大游官方网站 bg大游官方网站e All Japan Federation of Management Organizations (certification numbers 129 and 133), bg大游官方网站e most aubg大游官方网站oritative of all qualification certifying private organizations in Japan in bg大游官方网站e field of consultancy.

bg大游官方网站is qualification is given to employees who have participated in seminars for advanced expert knowledge and ebg大游官方网站ics about professional ebg大游官方网站ics, taxation laws, legal practices, accounting, management consultancy, and such taxation systems as corporation tax, consumption tax, and personal income tax, each of which is conducted as part of bg大游官方网站e employee training programs, and passed bg大游官方网站e examination for bg大游官方网站e Field Auditor on such subjects. Field Auditors and Assistant Field Auditors are greatly expected to make plenty of contributions to bg大游官方网站e activities for promoting KFS and dissemination of bg大游官方网站e General Accounting Standard for SMEs, and to act at every workplace as persons in charge of supporting management improvement operations by bg大游官方网站e support institutions for management improvement in accordance wibg大游官方网站 bg大游官方网站e Act on Support for Strengbg大游官方网站ening Management Functions for SMEs.
