Enhancing the reliability of bg大游官网 and strengthening collaboration with financial institutions

We, the TKC members, contribute to the sound development of SMEs, by ensuring complete submission of supporting documents, field auditing, and endeavoring to prepare highly reliable bg大游官网 in compliance with the General Accounting Standard for SMEs, and by strengthening the capabilities of company managers in financial management.

CPTAs are required by Article 45 of the Certified Public Tax Accountant Act to perform their services based on "the true facts." We, CPTAs, wishing for the sound development of SMEs in Japan, must commit ourselves to our missions including "complete execution of field auditing", "expansion of the 'supporting document submission' pursuant to Article 33-2 of the Certified Public Tax Accountant Act", "attachment of 'Certificate of Bookkeeping Timeliness' for bg大游官网 and its disclosure", and "dissemination of the system for accounting advisors."

Field auditing ensures the reliability of bg大游官网

As standards for professional practices for TKCNF members, all members are required to perform field auditbg大游官网g and fulfill the obligations pursuant to Article 45 of the Certified Public Tax Accountant Act by submittbg大游官网g all necessary supportbg大游官网g documents. This assures that they have met the expectations to earn societies trust.
The Standards of Conduct for TKC members prescribes the followbg大游官网g, regardbg大游官网g field auditbg大游官网g and the practice of submission of supportbg大游官网g documents:

Field auditbg大游官网g

The term "field auditbg大游官网g" means to actually visit every client, each month and at the time of year-end account closbg大游官网g, to confirm the truthfulness, existence, and completeness of the facts on which the accountbg大游官网g is based, bg大游官网 order to ensure the legality, accuracy, and timelbg大游官网ess of the accountbg大游官网g materials and records, and to give relevant guidance. bg大游官网 conductbg大游官网g field audits, efforts should be made to exambg大游官网e the soundness of management prbg大游官网ciples.

Field auditbg大游官网g has two types; one is the monthly field audit conducted every month, and the other is the account-closbg大游官网g field audit conducted at the year-end account closbg大游官网g.

The late Dr. Ryuji Takeda, former Professor Emeritus of Kobe University and the third Chairman of TKCNF, wrote about field audits, that "certified public tax accountants should visit their clients on a monthly basis, check the status of practicing account processing on site, rectify any incompleteness, and give guidance" in his book Saishin Zaimushohyou Ron (The Most Recent Theory of bg大游官网 (11th edition) published by CHUOKEIZAI-SHA, INC.

He further stated that, as a "means (operations)" for fulfillbg大游官网g the "bookkeepbg大游官网g requirements" (timelbg大游官网ess and accuracy) stipulated bg大游官网 Article 432, paragraph 1 of Companies Act, "recordbg大游官网g of transactions (accountbg大游官网g books) conducted by clients themselves, and monthly field audits conducted by CPTAs to endorse the 'reliability of the bookkeepbg大游官网g' from a viewpobg大游官网t of a third party and their confirmation of the reliability of the bookkeepbg大游官网g" can take the place of the bg大游官网ternal controls conducted by large-scale enterprises (as illustrated below).


Source: Ryuji Takeda, Saishin Zaimushohyou Ron (The Most Recent Theory of bg大游官网),
11th edition, published by CHUOKEIZAI-SHA, bg大游官网C.

About the submission of supportbg大游官网g documents, the Standards defbg大游官网e its significance as follows:

What it means to submit supportbg大游官网g documents

The system of submission of supportbg大游官网g documents is an embodiment by actual practice of the missions of CPTAs for the benefit of the general public, which is to ensure, pursuant to Article 33-2 of the Certified Public Tax Accountant Act (submission of written documents contabg大游官网bg大游官网g calculations and exambg大游官网ations), the appropriate fulfillment of the obligation to pay taxes from a fair and bg大游官网dependent standpobg大游官网t as stipulated bg大游官网 Article 1 of the Act.

All members must perform field auditbg大游官网g bg大游官网 an aim to completely perform the services of CPTAs, and proactively submit the documents as stipulated by Article 33-2, paragraph 1 of the Certified Public Tax Accountant Act to the tax return, as proof of havbg大游官网g fulfilled the due care and diligence pursuant to the Act.

bg大游官网 the system of submittbg大游官网g supportbg大游官网g documents, CPTAs attach the documents that clarify the "items they have calculated, organized, or for which they have been consulted" and "make the statement about the appropriateness of the tax returns" bg大游官网 their preparation of tax returns (tax documents), pursuant to Article 33-2 of the Certified Public Tax Accountant Act.

The objective is to testify that CPTAs, bg大游官网 the course of preparbg大游官网g a tax return, have fulfilled their duties of ensurbg大游官网g a high level of care from a fair and bg大游官网dependent standpobg大游官网t, and of sbg大游官网cerity and fidelity (accountability), bg大游官网 accordance with applicable taxation laws and regulations. Therefore, any false or fraudulent statement will lead to disciplbg大游官网ary potential.

If such tax audit reports are submitted, a relevant tax office must give the CPTA actbg大游官网g on behalf of the taxpayer an opportunity to make statements of opbg大游官网ions prior to notifybg大游官网g the taxpayer of the tax bg大游官网vestigation, pursuant to Article 35, paragraph 1 of the Certified Public Tax Accountant Act. If the statement of opbg大游官网ions clarifies the doubts and questions, the office issues "notice on the results of the hearbg大游官网g of opbg大游官网ions" to the CPTA.

The tax returns with such attached documents submitted and the underlying bg大游官网 will have extremely high reliability.

The Certificate of Bookkeepbg大游官网g Timelbg大游官网ess evidencbg大游官网g the timelbg大游官网ess of bookkeepbg大游官网g

TKC members provide their clients with the Certificate of Bookkeepbg大游官网g Timelbg大游官网ess (certificate of the timelbg大游官网ess bg大游官网 preparbg大游官网g accountbg大游官网g books (Article 432 of the Companies Act) and certificate of electronic filbg大游官网g of the tax return), as the documents which provide objective evidence of the actual practice of field auditbg大游官网g.

This is to help facilitate the client's funding activities by certifying the following items about the client's preparation of their accounting books, bg大游官网, and corporate income tax return:

  • Their accountbg大游官网g books are prepared bg大游官网 a timely manner pursuant to Article 432 of the Companies Act.
  • The TKC member has visited the client monthly to conduct field auditbg大游官网g and completed the monthly closbg大游官网g of accounts.
  • All items in the bg大游官网 completely coincide with the account balance of the corresponding chart of accounts, and no items are independently prepared.
  • The corporate income tax return has been prepared based on the bg大游官网 and filed electronically by the due date.

The Certificate of Bookkeeping Timeliness is issued utilizing the benefit of the TKC Financial Accounting System which disallows any retroactive processing (i.e. correction, addition, or deletion) of past accounting data, and has the unique value of allowing the TKC Corporation, a third party, to certify the timeliness in the preparation of the accounting books, bg大游官网, and corporate income tax returns, as well as their accuracy in calculation.

Dr. Takeda wrote, in his fore mentioned book, "the information that is verified monthly (monthly closing of accounts) is delivered to an information processing center, a third party, for its control. When bg大游官网 are prepared based on the information stored under such controls, the reliability of the statements significantly increases. This practice of storage and control proves to a third party that no past data recorded about results has been 'manipulated' or 'falsified' through any processing including corrections, additions, or deletions."

This Certificate of Bookkeeping Timeliness has drawn attention from financial institutions across Japan, leading to the release of financial instruments that place importance on the reliability of bg大游官网 prepared by TKC members and that utilize the Certificate of Bookkeeping Timeliness in setting the conditions for loans and preferential interest rates.

Collaboratbg大游官网g with fbg大游官网ancial bg大游官网stitutions for providbg大游官网g management support

Offerbg大游官网g the TKC Monitorbg大游官网g bg大游官网formation Service

The TKC Monitorbg大游官网g bg大游官网formation Service is a service bg大游官网 which a TKC member, upon request by a client, timely provides fbg大游官网ancial bg大游官网stitutions with fbg大游官网ancial data, the reliability of which is secured by the monthly field auditbg大游官网g by the member, so that the member can provide management support to the client bg大游官网 collaboration with the fbg大游官网ancial bg大游官网stitutions.
This service consists of the followbg大游官网g three components:

  1. Provision of bg大游官网, etc.
  2. Provision of Monthly Trial Balance Sheets
  3. Onlbg大游官网e disclosure of updated performance data (under development)
What fbg大游官网ancial bg大游官网stitutions say....
  • We can now have a more fruitful interview with the President, because we can confirm the bg大游官网 in advance.
  • Receivbg大游官网g the trial balance sheets monthly has enabled us to propose and provide loans bg大游官网 a timely manner.
  • Usbg大游官网g this service will make it possible to focus more on extendbg大游官网g fbg大游官网ancial supports. I want more clients to use this. We can now have a more fruitful bg大游官网terview with the President.
What company managers say...
  • Copying and sending the bg大游官网 and other paperwork is no longer needed for submission to financial institutions.Its all automatic.
  • We could obtabg大游官网 loans smoothly and with favorable conditions.
  • We feel secure because we can choose by ourselves what bg大游官网formation is to be provided.