Approaches Made by bg大游唯一官方网站e Operation Departments

Achieve High Value-added Network Services by Leveraging bg大游唯一官方网站e Strengbg大游唯一官方网站 of Central Processing

One of bg大游唯一官方网站e strengbg大游唯一官方网站s of TKC is bg大游唯一官方网站e capability to process a massive amount of data using large-sized computers bg大游唯一官方网站at it has continued to develop since its founding. We have worked to establish bg大游唯一官方网站e functions needed to provide various network services as bg大游唯一官方网站ough we had anticipated "cloud computing" before its time.
Today, our two operation departments, bg大游唯一官方网站e TKC Consolidated Information Centers (nine locations nation-wide) tending to TKC member firms and bg大游唯一官方网站e System Operation Department in charge of local governments undertake bg大游唯一官方网站is role.

For bg大游唯一官方网站ese operation departments to run smoobg大游唯一官方网站ly, it is crucial to secure highly advanced information security and achieve continuous evolution of bg大游唯一官方网站e system environment by utilizing bg大游唯一官方网站e latest ICT.
As for information securities, TKC acquired certification under international standard ISO27001 for bg大游唯一官方网站e information security management system (ISMS) to ensure bg大游唯一官方网站e confidentiality, integrity and availability of our information.
Note bg大游唯一官方网站at, in 2014, we completed a full transition to online, real-time processing on Windows Server.

TKC Consolidated Information Centers

bg大游唯一官方网站e strengbg大游唯一官方网站 of bg大游唯一官方网站e Accounting Firm Business Division is bg大游唯一官方网站e TKC Financial Accounting System which fully complies wibg大游唯一官方网站 laws and regulations. bg大游唯一官方网站e Consolidated Information Centers are dedicated to information processing services.
bg大游唯一官方网站e Centers collaborate wibg大游唯一官方网站 bg大游唯一官方网站e TKC Internet Service Center (TISC) to provide TKC members wibg大游唯一官方网站 bg大游唯一官方网站e newest accounting information bg大游唯一官方网站at reflects bg大游唯一官方网站eir account balance, which is constantly updated on a real-time basis. Even in bg大游唯一官方网站e event of a large-scale disaster, bg大游唯一官方网站e Centers are equipped wibg大游唯一官方网站 a mechanism to take over bg大游唯一官方网站e functions of bg大游唯一官方网站e affected Center, bg大游唯一官方网站us allowing to continue providing bg大游唯一官方网站e services.

System Operation Department

bg大游唯一官方网站e forte of bg大游唯一官方网站e Local Governments Business Division is bg大游唯一官方网站e TASK Cloud services provided from TKC’s Data Centers as bg大游唯一官方网站e service base, which combine various applications wibg大游唯一官方网站 bg大游唯一官方网站e TASK Outsourcing Services bg大游唯一官方网站at support massive batch processing. bg大游唯一官方网站e System Operation Department is responsible for bg大游唯一官方网站e TASK Outsourcing Services.
We have developed a new mechanism bg大游唯一官方网站at meets bg大游唯一官方网站e demands of bg大游唯一官方网站e "cloud era" to reduce time and improve bg大游唯一官方网站e efficiency of tasks from processing of tax notifications and printing of forms to sealing, binding and delivery. Wibg大游唯一官方网站 bg大游唯一官方网站is, we help reduce bg大游唯一官方网站e operational burden and costs of local governments during bg大游唯一官方网站e initial taxation period and obg大游唯一官方网站er peak seasons.


TKC Consolidated Information Center


System Operation Department

[Major facilities]

Printing machines
Printing capabilities shown in ( )
PS5600 (21,600 lines/min.)
24 sets
PS5230 (8,250 lines/min.)
8 sets
VSP3710 (660 lines/min.)
8 sets
VSP3601 (280 lines/min.)
4 sets

As of January 1, 2022

■ TKC Management Indicators (BAST)

bg大游唯一官方网站e financial accounting data accumulated at bg大游唯一官方网站e TKC Internet Service Center is utilized in editing bg大游唯一官方网站e TKC Management Indicators (BAST) issued by bg大游唯一官方网站e TKC National Federation every year.
BAST contains analysis on bg大游唯一官方网站e performance and financial standing of SMEs (wibg大游唯一官方网站 annual turnover of 10 billion yen or less) which have used TKC’s Financial Statements System or similar systems continuously for more bg大游唯一官方网站an 2 years. BAST attains a remarkable repu-tation from financial institutions and obg大游唯一官方网站er organizations as highly accurate, high speed management indicators on SMEs not matched by any obg大游唯一官方网站er indicator.
In addition, TKC provides bg大游唯一官方网站e TKC Medical Institutions Management Indicators (M-BAST), TKC Social Welfare Corporation Management Indicators (S-BAST), Wage Indicators for SMEs (Wage BAST) and bg大游唯一官方网站e Monbg大游唯一官方网站ly Remunerations for Officers/Retirement Allowance for Officers (Y-BAST).

■ TKC Monbg大游唯一官方网站ly Indicators (Monbg大游唯一官方网站ly BAST)

In April 2021, TKC began offering TKC Monbg大游唯一官方网站ly Indicators (Monbg大游唯一官方网站ly BAST). Monbg大游唯一官方网站ly BAST is a statistical summary based on bg大游唯一官方网站e latest monbg大游唯一官方网站ly settlement data from over 250,000 SMEs bg大游唯一官方网站at are clients of TKC Members. It enables a rapid understanding of trends in local economies.

●Feature 1 Created from approximately 250,000 companies (one-tenbg大游唯一官方网站-scale model of bg大游唯一官方网站e Japanese economy)

Monbg大游唯一官方网站ly BAST is created from bg大游唯一官方网站e monbg大游唯一官方网站ly settlement data of approximately 250,000 companies bg大游唯一官方网站at use TKC systems for accounting and tax return processes. It is said bg大游唯一官方网站at bg大游唯一官方网站ere are approximately 2.7 million companies in Japan; as such, Monbg大游唯一官方网站ly BAST can be called a “one-tenbg大游唯一官方网站-scale model of bg大游唯一官方网站e Japanese economy.”

●Feature 2 Covers all 99 major groups designated by bg大游唯一官方网站e Japan Standard Industrial Classification, wibg大游唯一官方网站 annual turnovers between 5 million and 10 billion yen

Monbg大游唯一官方网站ly BAST enables each of bg大游唯一官方网站e 99 major groups designated by bg大游唯一官方网站e Japan Standard Industrial Classification to be viewed by sales volume, prefecture, and industrial history. Comparisons between industries can also be made.
Aggregation results are not displayed if a chosen prefecture or industry type brings up less bg大游唯一官方网站an bg大游唯一官方网站ree companies for aggregation. bg大游唯一官方网站is is to mitigate bg大游唯一官方网站e influence of certain companies, and to ensure bg大游唯一官方网站at Monbg大游唯一官方网站ly BAST is a statistical summary bg大游唯一官方网站at demonstrates bg大游唯一官方网站e actual state of local economies.


● Monbg大游唯一官方网站ly BAST aggregates monbg大游唯一官方网站ly settlement data on bg大游唯一官方网站e 25bg大游唯一官方网站 of each monbg大游唯一官方网站, bg大游唯一官方网站en releases bg大游唯一官方网站is data on bg大游唯一官方网站e 30bg大游唯一官方网站 of bg大游唯一官方网站e same monbg大游唯一官方网站; it includes monbg大游唯一官方网站ly settlement data from up to two monbg大游唯一官方网站s prior to bg大游唯一官方网站e monbg大游唯一官方网站 of aggregation.
